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A conservatorship is a legal right and responsibility given by the court to a person to be responsible for the care of and/or assets and finances of a person deemed fully or partially incapable of providing these necessities for himself or herself. Incapacity may be the result of an accident, illness, developmental disability or simply the passage of time.

The attorneys at Pettler, Miller & Aldover, LLP are experienced in the area of conservatorships and are sensitive to the problems and legal concerns involved in them. We are often appointed by the Los Angeles Superior Court to represent the interests of proposed Conservatees in pending matters. We also frequently represent professional fiduciaries and bank trust departments who can be of help when an independent conservator is needed.  This experience enables us to provide the most effective representation in this area of the law.

Miller & Aldover, LLP can assist you in establishing a conservatorship.   We can also represent you in opposing a conservatorship or questioning actions of an existing conservator.

Image by Oxana Melis

Torrance, CA Conservatorship Attorneys

Contact us Now

Please contact our Torrance office for consultation with an attorney regarding your legal matter.

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